BizSAFE Certification: How Does A Company Benefit From It?

All workplaces are covered under the WSH Act to conduct risk assessments. It is an important step in complying with the requirements of the Workplace Safety and Health Act in all related legislation. To attain bizsafe level 3 status, a company should engage a MOM-approved WSH Auditor to set the company’s implementation of Risk Management.

The journey of this course can be assisted by safety consultants to ensure Risk Management is implemented at the workplace before engaging a third-party MOM-approved Workplace Safety and Health Auditor. To achieve bizSAFE level 3, the company should implement an RM plan.

What does the course entail?

The level 3 bizsafe recognizes a company conducting risk assessments in each work activity and process in the workplace for compliance with the requirements of Workplace Safety and Health Regulations.

Safety and Risk Management Competencies

To gain the course, a company, top management should engage in an MOM-approved independent auditor to audit and assess the Risk Management Plan and implementation in the company, the same as the OHSAS or ISO audit process.


Subject to the report of the auditor that a company has met the requirements of the MOM WSH Act and regulations, the company is awarded the WSHC level 3 bizsafe recognition. The audit encloses the following:

  • site inspection
  • document review
  • interviews with key personnel

There are also document reviews that cover the following:

  • Certificates for connected Employee Training courses
  • Company WHS Policy
  • Risk assessment report
  • Work safety practices

Site inspection performed by the auditor is conducted to verify the implementation of the following:

  • risk control measures
  • risk management systems

It may include interviews with appointment holders in the Risk Management implementation to look for these factors:

  • gap
  • sign
  • evidence

These are for the company’s readiness for level 3 of bizsafe recognition.

How do consultants assist you?

A team of experienced consultants support your company with the development and preparation of the course requirements. These consultants will attend and make a pre-inspection at the workplace before the MOM-approved and accredited auditor’s assessment.

The consultants will facilitate and coach your Risk Management manager, supervisors, and workers with safety roles and responsibilities to impart skills on different factors:

  • identify
  • control
  • monitor
  • manage

These are addressed for the risk at the start to create a safe workplace. A company is assisted in cultivating the work safety culture and mindset in a workplace aligned with the company’s WSH policy and standards. All individuals or employees must be aware, understand, and learn the WSH policy and standards of the company.

Author: Saif Fuentes